Electric Rates

UPDATED: JULY 11, 2022


Available to any member of the REMC located on its lines for general residential and farm use for a single-phase service with fifty (50) kW or less metered demand.


The type of service rendered under this schedule shall be alternating current, sixty (60) Hertz, single-phase at a voltage of approximately 120/240 volts three wire, or other voltage as might be mutually agreed upon.


Consumer Charge $43.50 per month


All kWh 0.128 per kWh


The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be the consumer charge.


Upon request of the member, and upon approval of the REMC, a budget plan for payment of electric service bills may be used. On the basis of actual experience, or estimated consumption where there is no actual experience, the REMC will compute the annual energy charge for all purposes and divide the same by eleven (11). The result shall be the amount to be paid by the member as his “monthly net bill”. At the end of the eleventh (11th) month, the difference between the actual charge and the budget plan shall be payable with the bill for the twelfth (12) month of the billing period. All monthly net bills and any additional payment due shall be subject to any collection charges and terms of payment as specified in this schedule.

Any overpayment shall be refunded in cash or credited to the member’s account, at the option of the member. Budget plans will be set up between May 1 and June 15 for winter-peaking accounts, and between January 1 and January 15 for summer-peaking accounts. A consumer may begin this plan only at these times.


1. Service shall be provided based upon the REMC’s rules and regulations as on file with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC).

2. All single-phase motors or apparatuses with an inrush current in excess of 250 amps at 240 volts shall require REMC approval.

3. Service under this schedule shall be limited to one meter for the same member at the same location where the service can be adequately supplied from a single service.

4. Single-phase service to phase converters will be by REMC approval only. The single largest motor shall not exceed 30 horsepower and total connected motors shall not exceed 60 horsepower.


The above rates are subject to a Total Power Cost Tracking Factor, in accordance with the order of the IURC, approved in Cause No. 43964. The Total Power Cost Tracking Factor stated in Appendix A is applicable hereto and is issued and effective at the dates shown on Appendix A.

UPDATED: JULY 11, 2022


Available to any member of the REMC located in the REMC’s service area and adjacent to electric distribution facilities that are adequate and suitable for supplying required service. Service under this schedule shall apply to commercial, schools, churches, public buildings, other nonresidential loads, and multi-phase farm service. Service under this schedule is provided on a yearly basis.


The type of service rendered under this schedule shall be alternating current 60 Hertz, single-phase at approximately 120/240 volts, 3-wire; multi-phase, alternating current 60 Hertz at approximately 120/208, 120/240, 277/480 volts, 4-wire; or other voltages as may be mutually agreeable.


Consumer Charge: $47.50 per month

Demand Charge: First 50 kW of Billing Demand $1.00 per kW

Over 50 kW of Billing Demand $ 13.75 per kW

Energy Charge: All kWh $0.140 per kWh


The minimum monthly charge shall be the greater of the contract amount or the consumer charge.


The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the member for any period of 15 consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered and adjusted for power factor as provided hereafter.


The member agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practical. The REMC reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time. Should such measurements indicate that the power factor is less than 95 percent, then the demand for billing purposes will be adjusted for average monthly lagging power factor by multiplying the demand as indicated or recorded on the demand meter by 95 percent and dividing by the percent power factor.


1. Service shall be provided based upon the REMC’s rules and regulations as on file with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC).

2. The member will be required to give satisfactory assurance by means of a written agreement as to the amount and duration of the business offered.

3. Open-wye, open-delta transformer banks will be provided by the REMC only if the REMC finds the load may be adequately and safely served by such connection.

4. All motors or apparatuses with an inrush current in excess of 250 amps at 240 volts shall require REMC approval.

5. The REMC will furnish and maintain, at its own expense, one transformation and service drop. All poles, lines, wiring, and other electrical equipment beyond the metering point is considered the distribution system of the member and shall be furnished and maintained by the member. The metering equipment shall be furnished and maintained by the REMC. When primary metering is required, the metering equipment, transformer, and other protective equipment will also be furnished and maintained by the REMC.

6. The member shall be responsible for installing undervoltage relays or loss-of-phase relays for the protection of member’s equipment.

UPDATED: JULY 11, 2022


Available to any member requiring seasonal irrigation service who is located in the REMC’s service area and located adjacent to existing primary distribution line of the REMC that is adequate and suitable for supplying required service.


The type of service rendered under this schedule shall be single-phase, alternating current 60 Hertz, at approximately 120/240 volts, 3-wire; multi-phase, 60 Hertz, approximately 120/208 volts, 4-wire; or other voltages as may be mutually agreeable.


Consumer Charge $45.00 per month Demand

Charge First fifty (50) kW $8.00 per kW Over fifty (50) kW $13.75 per kW

Energy Charge All kWh hours $0.104 per kWh


If a member requests electric service disconnected and reconnected for his convenience within a twelve-month period, the REMC will reconnect service as desired for a service charge of $40.00 (per Appendix B), provided that no one else has been billed for service at this location during the period. In addition, the member must pay a charge equal to the sum of the minimum monthly bills determined for the months that service was disconnected.


The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the member for any period of 15 consecutive minutes during the month between 5:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. on Monday through Friday for which the bill is rendered and adjusted for power factor as provided hereafter. The member also agrees to pay for needed control and the special metering.


The member agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practical. The REMC reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time. Should such measurements indicate that the average power factor is less than 95 percent, then the demand for billing purposes will be adjusted for average monthly lagging power factor by multiplying the demand as indicated or recorded on the demand meter by 95 percent and dividing by the percent power factor.


The minimum monthly charge shall be the greater of the contract amount or the consumer charge.


The REMC may, at its option, install either secondary or primary metering equipment.


The REMC offers two irrigation rates and the member may select in April of each year which of those rates they wish to be billed under. Once making that selection the member must remain under that rate until the next year.


1. Service shall be provided based upon the REMC’s rules and regulations as on file with the IURC.

2. The member will be required to give satisfactory assurance by means of a written agreement as to the amount and duration of the business offered.

3. All energy shall be supplied at one point through a single meter for the sole purpose of running irrigation pumps and related equipment.

4. Open-wye, open-delta transformer banks will be provided by the REMC only if the REMC finds the load may be adequately and safely served by such connection.

5. All motors or apparatuses with an inrush current in excess of 250 amps at 240 volts shall require REMC approval.

6. The REMC may require corrective measures, such as soft start motors, or devices for any motor or apparatus which in the opinion of the REMC will cause voltage fluctuation to other members. Unless otherwise permitted, the maximum primary voltage fluctuation is three percent (3%).

7. The member shall be responsible for installing under voltage, or loss of phase relays for the protection of member’s equipment.

8. The REMC may require a soft start motor.

UPDATE: JULY 11, 2022


Available to any member for service in excess of a metered demand of fifty (50) kW and is located in the REMC’s service area and located adjacent to a distribution line of the REMC that is adequate and suitable for supplying required service. Service under this schedule is provided on a yearly basis. Not applicable as a standby service.


The type of service rendered under this schedule shall be single-phase, alternating current 60 Hertz at approximately 120/240 volts, 3-wire; multi-phase, 60 Hertz, approximately 120/208 volts, 4-wire; 277/480 volts, 4-wire; 120/240 volts, 4-wire; or other voltages as may be mutually agreeable.


Consumer Charge $110.00 per month

Demand Charge First fifty (50) kW $8.00 per kW

Over fifty (50) kW $13.75 per kW

Energy Charge All kWh hours of maximum billing demand $0.093 per kWh


The billing maximum load for any month shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the member for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered. The load shall be as indicated or recorded by suitable recording instruments provided by the REMC and adjusted for power factor as provided in following paragraph.


The member agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practical. The REMC reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time. Should such measurements indicate that the power factor is less than 95 percent, then the demand for billing purposes will be adjusted for average monthly lagging power factor by multiplying the demand as indicated or recorded on the demand meter by 95 percent and divided by the percent power factor.


The minimum monthly charge shall be the greater of the contract amount or the consumer charge and demand charge.


The REMC may, at its option, install either secondary or primary metering equipment.


1. Service shall be provided based upon the REMC’s rules and regulations as on file with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC).

2. The member will be required to give satisfactory assurance by means of a written agreement as to the amount and duration of the business offered.

3. Open-wye, open-delta transformer banks will be provided by the REMC only if the REMC finds the load may be adequately and safely served by such connection.

4. All motors or apparatuses with an inrush current in excess of 250 amps at 240 volts shall require REMC approval.

5. The REMC may require corrective measures or devices for any motor or apparatus which in the opinion of the REMC will cause voltage fluctuation to other members. Unless otherwise permitted, the maximum primary voltage fluctuation is three percent (3%).

6. The REMC will furnish and maintain, at its expense, one transformation and service drop. All poles, lines, wiring and other electrical equipment beyond the metering point is considered the distribution system of the member and shall be furnished and maintained by the member. The metering equipment shall be furnished and maintained by the REMC. When primary metering is required, the metering equipment, transformer, and other protective equipment will also be furnished and maintained by the REMC.

7. The member shall be responsible for installing under voltage relays or loss-of-phase relays for the protection of member’s equipment.

8. The REMC may require a soft start motor.

UPDATED: JULY 11, 2022


Available to any member for service in excess of a metered demand of fifty (50) kW and is located in the REMC’s service area. Service under this schedule is provided on a yearly basis. Not applicable as a standby service. Member may choose this rate instead of the LP rate, if willing to pay the facilities charge associated with extending service to them including the special metering required and if customer assumes their load will be primarily off the power supplier peak.


The type of service rendered under this schedule shall be single-phase, alternating current 60 Hertz at approximately 120/240 volts, 3-wire; multi-phase, 60 Hertz, approximately 120/208 volts, 4-wire; 277/480 volts, 4-wire; 120/240 volts, 4-wire; or other voltages as may be mutually agreeable.


Consumer Charge $110.00 per month Facilities Charge – determined by cost to extend service

Demand Charge First fifty (50) kW $8.00 per kW

Over fifty (50) kW $13.75 per kW

Energy Charge All kWh hours of maximum billing demand $0.083 per kWh


The billing maximum load for any month shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the member for any period or one hour during the month for which the bill is rendered. The load shall be as indicated or recorded by suitable recording instruments provided by the REMC and adjusted for power factor as provided in following paragraph.


The member agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practical. The REMC reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time. Should such measurements indicate that the power factor is less than 95 percent, then the demand for billing purposes will be adjusted for average monthly lagging power factor by multiplying the demand as indicated or recorded on the demand meter by 95 percent and divided by the percent power factor.


The minimum monthly charge shall be the greater of the contract amount or the consumer charge, demand charge and facilities charge.


The REMC may, at its option, install either secondary or primary metering equipment and will be recording demand meter.


1. Service shall be provided based upon the REMC’s rules and regulations as on file with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC).

2. The member will be required to give satisfactory assurance by means of a written agreement as to the amount and duration of the business offered.

3. Open-wye, open-delta transformer banks will be provided by the REMC only if the REMC finds the load may be adequately and safely served by such connection.

4. All motors or apparatuses with an inrush current in excess of 250 amps at 240 volts shall require REMC approval.

5. The REMC may require corrective measures or devices for any molar or apparatus which in the opinion of the REMC will cause voltage fluctuation to other members. Unless otherwise permitted, the maximum primary voltage fluctuation is three percent (3%).

6. The REMC will furnish and maintain, at its expense, one transformation and service drop. All poles, lines, wiring and other electrical equipment beyond the metering point is considered the distribution system of the member and shall be furnished and maintained by the member. The metering equipment shall he furnished and maintained by the REMC. When primary metering is required, the metering equipment, transformer, and other protective equipment will also be furnished and maintained by the REMC.

7. The member shall be responsible for installing undervoltage relays or loss· of-phase relays for the protection of member’s equipment.

8. The REMC will compare the demand reading at the time of the power supplier’s peak demand and if over a three month period the demand at the time of the power supplier’s peak demand is more than 30% of the member peak demand, then the member will be placed on the LP·8 rate.




This rate is available to any member of the REMC that currently meets the Conditions of Service and is being billed under the Residential and Farm Service Rate. It will be available to members who have qualified distributed generation facilities of not more than a nameplate rating of 25 kW and that maybe interconnected with Marshall County REMC’s distribution system.


The type of service rendered under this schedule shall be alternating current, sixty (60) Hertz, single- phase at approximately 120/240 volts three wire, or other voltages as might be mutually agreed upon.


Consumer Charge $55.00 per month


All kWh $0.128 per kWh


For energy supplied $0.0600 per kWh


The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be the Consumer Charge.


1. Distribution Cooperative Agreement shall be required between the Consumer and Marshall County REMC.

2. Consumers requesting service under this optional rider must remain on the rider

for a minimum of twelve months. Marshall County REMC reserves the right to discontinue the use of this optional rider if a Consumer’s qualified distributed generation facility is permanently removed from service.

UPDATED: JULY 11, 2022



This rate is available to any member of the REMC that currently meets the Conditions of Service and is being billed under the General Service Rate (Schedule GS-8). It will be available to members who have qualified distributed generation facilities of not more than a nameplate rating of 25 kW and that may interconnect with Marshall County REMC’s distribution system.


The type of service rendered under this schedule shall be alternating current 60 Hertz, single-phase at approximately 120/240 volts, 3-wire; multi-phase, alternating current 60 Hertz at approximately 120/208, 120/240, 277/480 volts, 4-wire; or other voltages as may be mutually agreeable.


Consumer Charge $55.00 per month

Demand Charge First 50 kW of Billing Demand $1.00 per kW

Over 50 kW of Billing Demand $13.75 per kW

Energy Charge All kWh $0.140 per kWh

Credit Given to Consumer For energy supplied $0.0600 per kWh.

The credit amount per kWh is not subject to Total Power Cost Tracking Factor Rate Adjustment.


The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be the Consumer Charge.


The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the member for any period of 15 consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered and adjusted for power factor as provided hereafter.


The member agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practical. The REMC reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time. Should such measurements indicate that the power factor is less than 95 percent then the demand for billing purposes will be adjusted for average monthly lagging power factor by multiplying the demand as indicated or recorded on the demand meter by 95 percent and dividing by the percent power factor.


1. Service shall be provided based upon the REMC’s rules and regulations as on file as adopted and amended by the board of Marshall County REMC.

2. The member will be required to give satisfactory assurance by means of a written agreement as to the amount and duration of the business offered.

3. Open-wye, open-delta transformer banks will be provided by the REMC only if the REMC finds the load may be adequately and safely served by such connection.

4. All motors or apparatuses with an inrush current in excess of 250 amps at 240 volts shall require REMC approval.

5. The REMC will furnish and maintain, at its own expense, one transformation and service drop. All poles, lines, wiring, and other electrical equipment beyond the metering point are considered the distribution system of the member and shall be furnished and maintained by the member. The metering equipment shall be furnished and maintained by the REMC. When primary metering is required, the metering equipment, transformer, and other protective equipment will also be furnished and maintained by the REMC.

6. The member shall be responsible for installing under voltage relays or loss-of-phase relays for the protection of member’s equipment.

7. Distribution Cooperative Agreement shall be required between the Consumer and Marshall County REMC.

8. Consumers requesting service under this optional rider must remain on the rider for a minimum of twelve months. Marshall County REMC reserves the right to discontinue the use of this optional rider if a Consumer’s qualified distributed generation facility is permanently removed from service.




Available to any member for service in excess of a metered demand of fifty (50) kW and is located in the REMC’s service area and located adjacent to a distribution line of the REMC that is adequate and suitable for supplying required service. Service under this schedule is provided on a yearly basis. Not applicable as a standby service.


The type of service rendered under this schedule shall be single-phase, alternating current 60 Hertz at approximately 120/240 volts, 3-wire; multi-phase, 60 Hertz, approximately 120/208 volts, 4-wire; 277/480 volts, 4-wire; 120/240 volts, 4-wire; or other voltages as may be mutually agreeable.


Consumer Charge $255.00 per month

Demand Charge

First fifty (50) kW $8.00 per kW

Over fifty (50) kW $13.75 per kW

Energy Charge

All kWh hours of maximum billing demand $0.093 per kWh


The billing maximum load for any month shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established the member for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered. The load shall be as indicated or recorded by suitable recording instruments provided by the REMC and adjusted for power factor as provided in following paragraph.


The member agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practical. The REMC reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time. Should such measurements indicate that the power factor is less than 95 percent, then the demand for billing purposes will be adjusted for average monthly lagging power factor by multiplying the demand as indicated or recorded on the demand meter by 95 percent and divided by the percent power factor.


The minimum monthly charge shall be the greater of the contract amount or the consumer charge and demand charge.


Under 25kW Customer Generation

Marshall County REMC will purchase customer generation at the following rate:

All customer generated kWh – $0.06 per kWh

Over 25kW Customer Generation

Wabash Valley Power Association (WVPA) and the Consumer will create a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) negotiated by WVPA and Consumer, subject to the terms and conditions of WVPA’s Distributed Generation Policy (D-11 and D-11.1). WVPA shall compensate the Consumer for the kWh output of the consumer’s generation based upon the agreed PPA.


The REMC may, at its option, install either secondary or primary metering equipment.


1. Service shall be provided based upon the REMC’s rules and regulations.

2. The member will be required to give satisfactory assurance by means of a written agreement as to the amount and duration of the business offered.

3. Open-wye, open-delta transformer banks will be provided by the REMC only if the REMC finds the load may be adequately and safely served by such connection.

4. All motors or apparatuses with an inrush current in excess of 250 amps at 240 volts shall require REMC approval.

5. The REMC may require corrective measures or devices for any motor or apparatus which in the opinion of the REMC will cause voltage fluctuation to other members. Unless otherwise permitted, the maximum primary voltage fluctuation is three percent (3%).

6. The REMC will furnish and maintain, at its expense, one transformation and service drop. All poles, lines, wiring and other electrical equipment beyond the metering point is considered the distribution system of the member and shall be furnished and maintained by the member. The metering equipment shall be furnished and maintained by the REMC. When primary metering is required, the metering equipment, transformer, and other protective equipment will also be furnished and maintained by the REMC.

7. The member shall be responsible for installing under-voltage relays or loss-of-phase relays for the protection of member’s equipment.

8. The REMC may require a soft start motor.


The above rates are subject to a Total Power Cost Tracking Factor. The Total Power Cost Tracking Factor stated in Appendix A is applicable hereto and is issued and effective at the dates shown on Appendix A.


TERMS OF PAYMENT (Refer to Appendix B)


INTERPRETATION (Refer to Appendix B)


UPDATED: JULY 11, 2022


Available to any member of the REMC for continuous year round service for outdoor lighting where 120 volt service exists ahead of the meter loop.


A dusk-to-dawn outdoor lighting service using lamps and equipment is available under this schedule. This includes photoelectric control equipment, lighting fixture and mast arm.


Residential Yard Light – $13.00 per light

Commercial Yard Light – $25.00 per light


For member requesting lighting at locations other than location where the REMC has available facilities, the member shall pay the installation, labor and material charges for pole, line, and a transformer when required.


The yard light charge will be billed separately on the member’s regular bill and shall be paid at the same time and on the same terms as the member’s regular bill.


The REMC shall install, own, and maintain yard lights installed under this agreement. Maintenance of yard lights shall be routinely scheduled during normal working hours at the REMC’s convenience. The member shall be required to pay for replacements due to vandalism or willful destruction.



The rate adjustment shall be on the basis of a Total Power Cost Tracking Factor, occasioned solely by the changes in the cost of power, in accordance with the order of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC), approved in Cause No. 43964 as follows:

Rate adjustment applicable to the above listed rate schedules:

$0.0095 per kWh


Bills for service rendered under this schedule shall be due and payable monthly. If paid within seventeen days from the due date thereof as stated in the bill, the net bill shall be the amount to be paid. If not paid on or before the seventeenth day following the due date, the gross bill which shall include the late payment charge, shall be the amount to be paid. When the seventeenth day falls on Sunday or legal holiday, the first business day thereafter shall be added to the seventeen day net payment period. The date mailed remittances are received in the office will be used as the date of payment. The gross bill shall be 10 percent of the first $3.00 or less of net billing plus a charge of 3 percent of the net amount in excess of the first $3.00.


In addition to rates for service when it is necessary for an employee of the cooperative to go to a member’s premises to collect a delinquent bill, a collection charge of $30.00 will be made.


When service has been disconnected by the REMC for nonpayment of bills, a charge of forty dollars ($40.00) must be paid by the member before such service is reconnected during normal business hours. Then a reconnection of service is made for the same member at the same location within a twelve month period, where service has been disconnected at the member’s request, a charge of forty dollars ($40.00) shall be paid to the REMC for such reconnection. If the member, at his option, requests service to be restored after normal business hours, an overtime charge of one-hundred dollars ($100.00) must be paid prior to reconnection.


When a check received in payment of a member’s account is returned unpaid by the bank for any reason (not the fault of the REMC) the member shall be assess dollars ($30.00) for each check returned by the bank.


If Marshall County REMC personnel, responding to a member call, discovers a blown main fuse, tripped breaker, or other member caused power outage, a service charge of forty dollars ($40.00) shall be charged during normal business hours and one-hundred dollars ($100.00) after hours to partially offset the cost. However, the REMC is not obligated to make repairs to the member’s equipment or to locate trouble on the member’s side of the meter. All damage to Marshall County REMC property (such as car breaking pole, cutting tree into line, tearing service wires down, damage to meter, etc.) shall have repairs completed, and the actual cost shall be paid by the party causing the damage. Meters reporting a loss of current (outage) due to member or member’s contractor removing meter from meter base will be charged a service charge of two-hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) during normal business hours and one-thousand dollars ($1000.00) after hours to offset the cost.


In lieu of disconnection on delinquent accounts, the REMC may use a service limiter adapter for a period of 14 days. If the delinquent account remains unpaid after the 14 day period, it will be subject to disconnection in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC). The same charges as listed in ‘Reconnection Charge’ shall apply for this service.


The REMC will endeavor to maintain the efficiency of the meters within the allowable accuracy prescribed by the IURC in its “Rules and Standards of Service for the Electric Utilities of Indiana.” The REMC will make a test of accuracy of registration on a meter upon a written request of a consumer. A second test of this meter may be requested after twelve (12) months. If a subsequent request for testing is made at less than thirty-six (36) month intervals and no error is found or any error is within allowable accuracies, then the member shall be charged a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or the actual cost of the meter test, whichever is less.


The interpretation or application by the REMC or by any member of all rates included in this tariff shall be subject to review by the IURC or other governing body having jurisdiction upon application by the REMC of any member.


The Marshall County REMC utilizes smart meters and employees to read electric meters monthly. There are times when the meter reader is unable to read the electric meter because of: locked gates, dogs loose or tied too close to the meter, or other similar reasons. If the regular meter reader is unable to read the electric meter for three consecutive months, a service charge will be added to the electric bill as a separate line item of $20.00 per month to recover part of the extra meter reading cost. The REMC may utilize either an automatic meter-reading device, install a special meter loop near the transformer, or send a lineman to obtain the reading at its option. Marshall County REMC utilizes smart meters to read member meters, a member upon a written request to the President / CEO of the REMC, may request the read reporting module of the meter may be removed or deactivated so that the meter no longer will send meter reads to the office. A service charge will be added to the electric bill of $20.00 per month to recover part of the incurred manual meter reading cost. A onetime service charge of $100.00 will be added to the electric bill to partially cover the cost of removing or deactivating the reporting module.


The Marshall County REMC proposes to offer customers the convenience of paying electric bills with a credit or debit card. The cost charged by the credit or debit card company will be passed on to the customer.


This rider is available to consumers taking service concurrently under Schedule A-8, Residential and Farm Service. This rate is for the purchase of energy from renewable energy sources (predominantly landfill methane gas generation) and the support of qualified environmental organizations. Consumers requesting service under this optional rider must remain on the rider for a minimum of twelve months. Marshall County REMC reserves the right to limit the number of participants under this rider when its total renewable sources have been sold or reserved.


Energy sold pursuant to this rider is generated using renewable resources. These resources are expected to be continuously available except for reasonable periods allowing for normal maintenance of the generation equipment. If the REMC becomes aware that the renewable sources available to it will be, for any reason, insufficient to furnish at least 50% of the total consumer purchases hereunder for more than three months, the cooperative shall suspend application of this rider. When the renewable resources again become available, the REMC will resume application. The renewable resources purchased by the REMC under this tariff are capped at 1,000 kWh per month per consumer.


The REMC will donate the net revenues generated by application of this rider to qualified organizations. These organizations must engage in:

1. Research and development of new renewable resources

2. Environmental education, or

3. Other activities or programs of which the purpose is consistent with protecting the environment.

These organizations may be local or national, but must be not-for-profit. Preference shall be given to qualified organizations who are either located within the REMC’s service territory or whose activities directly benefit the REMC’s locale. The REMC shall assign responsibility for approving qualified organizations and distributing the net proceeds of this rider to the advisory board that includes at least one customer of the REMC.

The REMC may retain up to 25% of the revenues generated by application of this rider to recover the cost of developing, implementing, administering and promoting the renewable energy program. Each calendar year the REMC shall prepare a report summarizing the total proceeds of the optional renewable energy rider and the distribution of the net proceeds.


In addition to the total charges determined under the concurrent rate Schedule A-8, applicable to the consumer, the following charges shall also apply.

First 1,000 kWh or less per month $0.010 per kWh

Over 1,000 kWh per month no additional charge


This rider is subject to the payment option and terms of payment as set forth in the concurrent rate A-8 that qualifies the consumer for service under this rider.


Except as stated in this rider, all terms and conditions of service as set forth in the concurrent rate A-8 that qualifies the consumer for the renewable energy program shall apply to service under this rider.

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