Report an outage by calling our office at (866) 936-3161 or (574) 936-3161 and selecting Option 1.

Still Need to Register Your Account?

No problem! Click the “Register Now” button to the left to set up your account. You will need your account number and and last name or business name to enroll.

How to Report an Outage

SmartHub App revise

Download SmartHub

Did you know that you can report an outage in a few clicks with the SmartHub mobile app?

Simply log into your account on the mobile app, choose “Report an Issue/Inquiry” on the home screen, select “Power Outage”, add comments or your current location then click “Send”, in the top right corner.

Manage Your Outage Notifications with SmartHub

SmartHub allows you to be notified about new outages and outage restoration.
Simply log into your SmartHub account on the app or on a desktop, navigate to “Settings” and “manage notifications”. You have the option to receive text message, email or voice call alerts for any actions of your choosing. 

*Managing “Service” notifications shown on desktop version below